- Yield: 5 Jars
- Prep Time: 10 minutes
- Cook Time: 20 minutes
- Serving: For Family
Traditional Newfoundland Pickled Onions

If you made pickled onions before you know how delicious they are and they are so good with so many things I will list for you what I think you will enjoy them with.
I will share with you some links to go to the recipes you will enjoy.
Traditional Newfoundland Fish Cakes

Traditional Newfoundland Corned Beef Cakes

Traditional Newfoundland Jiggs Dinner

Traditional Newfoundland Cold Plates

so I hope these choices I picked for you will work well with your pickled onions, I also love to make a open face sandwich with avacodo, fata cheese with pickled onions that is so good. Mmmmm

I also have my new cookbook available now on the Canadian Amazon also American Amazon you can order through this link and it will take you to the Canadian Amazon.

continue on to my recipe for Pickled Onions and more pictures to make you hungry.
- Yellow Onions - 4 Large ( thinly sliced )
- Red Bell Pepper - 1 Large ( chopped )
- White Vinegar - 1 1/2 Cups
- Hot Water - 1 Cup
- Sugar of choice - 3 Tbsp
- Pickling Spice - 1 Tbsp
- Bay Leaves - 2-3 Pieces
- Sea Salt - 1/2 Tsp
- Cheese Cloth with string - 1 piece
1. In a medium saucepan add onions, red peppers, vinegar, sea salt, sugar, pickling spice in cheese cloth, and water then bring to a boil on medium to high heat for 20 minutes or until tender.
2. Remove from heat have your mason jars cleaned and ready to use.
3. Start filling your mason jars cleaning the tops to remove any sauce then place lids and rims on and tighten each one. You can boil mason jars in hot water for 5 minutes if your onion pickles wasn't hot enough when bottled to seal lids.
4. Let onion pickles go to room temperature then check each lid to see if they are sealed, if so store in cool storage, if not store in fridge until all eaten.
5. Serve with burgers, Jiggs dinner or boiled dinner, sandwiches or whatever you like.
Please note:
If your pickled onions is not hot when you are ready to bottle them you must boil them after you put the lids on then put them in a water bath for five minutes. Water bath is when you bring a boiler of water to a boil and place all mason jars in the bath and cover for five minutes so they seal properly.

I have got a few different pickles on my website but this one I love to have on so many delicious meals, but I do have mustard cabbage pickles that is also my favourite. I guess I’m not sure anymore I love them all, please take the time to make these Pickled Onions.
Pickling spice with bay leaves.

We need to take a little more time in our busy lives to slow down and get back to the basic, stop spending so much money on take out, years ago people had big families and they made and did everything. Ok Before you say it; yes many of our mothers didn’t work at a income job but they worked very hard providing for their families.
I’m just saying” there are big rewards in making your own food, preparing meals and bottling your own pickles, soup and jams. Believe me I’ve been doing this for many years and you can ask anyone that know me or my children they will say the same thing I always made sure a cooked meal was on the table. I worked many hours away from my home, took my kids to their sports and music, but at the end of the day if I didn’t prepare the night before I would cook that day, just something don’t have to be fantastic.

These meals I have on my website is an example of the way our moms and our grandparents cooked years ago and they only had so much food to go along way. Look at this recipe for Pickled Onions, this is so easy and low in cost and it makes five bottles of pickles. You can store in your cold storage or in your fridge and enjoy everyday or when you like too.

I hope you enjoyed this recipe and video for Pickled Onions and I can’t say enough about it to you , if you like pickles you will like these. Thank you so much for visiting my website and reading my blog, I hope you try this recipe and any of the other ones I have featured on the page. Once again thank you and from my kitchen to yours have a wonderful day.

Just seeing this now is 2022. We were blessed with a large bag of onions, and I want to try pickling some. Thank you for sharing this!
Hi Chantal; Thank you for your message and for stopping by, I’m so glad you enjoyed our recipe and it is so lovely. Remember we post every Sunday and NEW recipe and video if you wish to join our email list to get a notification. Enjoy Bonita