- Yield: 1 loaf or 24 muffins
- Prep Time: 10 minutes
- Cook Time: 40-60 minutes
- Serving: For Family
Banana Almond Spiced Bread

Welcome to our website and thank you for stopping by, I guess you are looking for a recipe for Banana Bread, if so look no further. I have a lovely recipe and video here with a step by step tutorial from start to finish, that will help you make a delicious banana bread.
This recipe got spices in it but if you don't like that then leave it out, I'm using almonds but if you are allergic to that leave that out too. That won't change the method to a delicious banana bread, you make it the way you like it.

I have been making my banana bread this way for many years only because I love spices and almonds, thats whats so nice about making it yourself.

There is so many ways to make banana bread and lots of recipes out there to make, but when you find the one that works for you thats it. You will be playing with flavours but not the recipe, because if its not broke don't fix it.

I'm going to share a link to my cookbook on amazon if you like to check it out and then continue on to this recipe for Banana Almond Spice Bread. https://www.bonitaskitchen.com/cookbook

- Banana's - 2 to 3 medium
- Brown sugar - 1/2 cup
- Butter - 1/2 cup
- Eggs - 2 large beaten
- Vanilla - 1 tsp
- Orange Juice - 1/4 cup
- Flour - 2 cups
- Baking Powder - 1 tsp
- Baking Soda - 1 tsp
- Almonds - 1/2 cup
- Ground cloves - 1 tsp
- Ground Nutmeg - 1/2 tsp
- Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp
- Mix sugar and butter together in a medium bowl, add mashed bananas then fold in your beaten eggs.
- Sift together all dry ingredients and fold into banana mixture, then add orange juice and vanilla.
- Fold in crushed almonds.
- Pour batter in greased pan or muffin pans.
- Bake in a pre-heated oven of 350º F for 40 to 60 minutes or until golden brown, poke a knife down through bread if knife comes out clean your bread is done. If you have batter on the knife put back in the oven for a few more minutes.
Baking Tips:
- Line loaf pan with a piece of parchment paper to prevent the banana loaf from burning.
- Crack eggs in separate bowl first to check for shells and mix.
- Serve with whip cream and berries or mix together cream cheese and icing sugar spread over banana bread.
- Serve warm with butter.
Preheat oven to 350°F, Prep time 10 minutes, Baking time 40 to 60 minutes, Makes one loaf or 24 muffins.
This recipe have been in our family for over 30 years

Q: Have you ever made a banana bread and had to toss it away because it was not what you excepted, if so this banana bread recipe is for you.
This recipe I have made for over 30 years and every time I make it I’m so pleased with it. What’s so lovely about this recipe you can make it your own by changing some of the ingredients. The only thing you can’t change is the flour, baking powder and butter other then that you can add more sugar, remove the sugar, remove the spices, add more spices and bananas. You can also double the recipe to make more loafs, can you see where I’m going with this, don’t be afraid to try new flavours to meet your dietary needs.

Having extra bananas in your house is a good thing, making banana breads is so lovely. When my boys were in daycare this was the smell we walked into everyday when we dropped them off at daycare. To me there is nothing like having something baking to make people smile. It is diffently a welcoming smell, when you walk in someones house when they are baking or cooking.

I love making my banana bread with spices and almonds in it that brings out a lot of different flavours, don’t be afraid to add any extra ingredients in your banana bread. Like chocolate chips, raisins, or any type of nuts and spices, you will be so surprised on how lovely it would taste. I will share with you another recipe and video for a lovely dessert you may like to make.
Traditional Newfoundland Blueberry Shortcake

Thank you one again for taking the time for stopping by and watching my video, please leave me a message before you go.