Delicious blueberry flaky buns made with blueberry sauce filling and a cream cheese icing filling, serve inside two flaky pastry buns.

Can you remember these little tasty BLUEBERRY FLAKY BUNS growing up here in Newfoundland and Labrador. This is a smaller version of them but equally as delicious and good to the last taste. If you don’t believe me make them yourself and leave a message letting me know what you think.

Blueberry Flaky Buns
Delicious blueberry buns are so flaky and hard to only one.

I hope I’ve convinced you to make yours today, not a lot of ingredients and you can follow my method and make changes to meet your diet.

Blueberry Flaky Buns
Thank you for stopping by and from our kitchen to yours have a wonderful day. Bonita, RMHussey Productions, and Team

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