Traditional Newfoundland Breakfast Anytime of The Day
Bonita’s breakfast anytime of the day, made up of battered crisp bacon, fully loaded omelet, homemade flapjacks topped off with your favourite syrup.

When it comes to breakfast I’m first in line, I can remember when I worked a 9/5 job and when it was coffee break at 9:30, I was first in line to get my breakfast. Then every weekend we will make this big breakfast that would keep you full almost all day.

Breakfast Anytime of The Day
Ingredients for a fully loaded omelet
Breakfast Anytime of The Day
Eggs whipped with cream
Breakfast Anytime of The Day
Omelet frying with chunks of ham, onions, peppers, salt and pepper.

Also I have a lovely recipe on this post for flapjacks and this one calls for rum extract but you can use vanilla if you don’t like run flavours. But it tastes nice if you like to give it a try, the dry ingredients in this recipe you can keep in a container and use over and over just scoop out what you need for the Breakfast you are making. Then follow the wet ingredients recipe to blend it together.

The recipe for battered bacon came from my brother in law, we went from bunch one day at their place and he was rolling the bacon in this flour mixture and of course I had to move right in to see what he was doing….. After that day this is the only way I make by bacon and I thought it would be a nice recipe to bring to you.

So, if you are looking for something delicious and super easy to make for your  breakfast, dinner or supper don’t look any further this recipe is for you. I would like to end by saying thank you once again for taking the time to read my blog, view our video and for sharing them with your Facebook friends. I do appreciate all your support and look forward to our next posting of Traditional Newfoundland recipes, from our kitchen to your have a wonderful day. Bonita, RMHussey Productions and Team!

Welcome to Bonita's kitchen
Cheers! Bonita

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