Salt pork or beef
 Brining Pork Riblets or Beef with coarse pickling salt.

Salt cured beef is a product famous in Newfoundland and Labrador and also in the rest of the maritimes. It is small pieces of raw beef or pork ribs, stored in a bucket of heavy brining ” pickling salt” and place in a fridge or cold storage. These small pieces of pork ribs or meat is put in a small bucket or bowl with lid but ” NEVER” in a metal container because it would rust.

Jiggs Dinner
Traditional Newfoundland Jiggs Dinner with homemade salt beef.

Traditional Newfoundland Jiggs Dinner

If you ever had Jiggs dinner before you know it needs a nice helping of salted beef or salted pork ribs, this is what makes the meal. Now their are many people who cook this meal without it but it’s nice to have the choice to have it or not, this is why I wanted to give you access to making it yourself and having it available when you need it.

Salted Pork and Beef
Pork Riblets in pickling salted water.
A Bucket of pork Riblets soaking in salted water and a bowl to keep it in the pickle.

I’m not trying to promote having salt in your diet!!

I’m just trying to give you access to one of our cultural foods if you don’t have access to purchases it. Anytime you go to cook this meat you ” Must ” soak it for a few hours or overnight to remove most of the salt in the meat. 

Why make the salt pork riblets?

If you are a Newfoundlander or Labradorian you grownup with this kind of cured meat and it’s something you like to have, especially when you are making a Jiggs Dinner, boiled dinner or Sunday dinner.

I hope you find this video and blog helpful for you if you decide to make the recipe, I also would like to thank you for taking the time to visit my website.

From my kitchen to yours thank you and have a wonderful day.

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Enjoy Bonita

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