Carrot Cake Jam

Hi and welcome to our website!
Looks like you a looking for a delicious recipe for carrot cake jam, if so you are in the right place. I have a recipe and video posted here to our website that you can follow along with and your convenience. Jams and Jellies are so much fun to make and they are so tasty homemade, so seat back and make yourself a cup of tea or a beverage of choice and enjoy this recipe.

Carrot's are one of the ingredients in this delicious jam, look at the bright orange colour and it is so good for you. We also have pears in this recipe and they are so fresh and juicy this is also important in making this jam.

The next ingredient in our carrot cake jam is fresh pineapple no can food here, this takes the jam to the next level of goodness.

I hope I've convinced you to make this delicious recipe of mine, but take a few minutes to watch the video I think that will convince you.

Please continue on to my recipe and I will share with you my a link to my cookbook for your to check out. https://www.bonitaskitchen.com/cookbook

- Pineapple - 1 3/4 to 2 cups and juice
- Lemon Juice - 3 tbsp and zest
- Pears - 1 1/2 to 2 cups and juice
- Carrots - 2 cups finely grated
- Sugar - 4 cups or less
- Pectin ( Certo ) - 5 tbsp
- Cloves - 1/2 tsp
- Nutmeg - 1/2 tsp
- Cinnamon - 1 tsp
- Mason Jars and lids - 6 to 8
- Sterilize jars and lids in simmering water bath until ready for use. ( see method below )
- In a large saucepan put grated carrots, pears, pineapple with juice, lemon juice, zest, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves, bring mixture to a boil over medium to high heat, stirring frequently.
- Reduce heat, cover and boil gently for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and whisk in pectin until dissolved. Bring mixture to another full rolling boil, over high heat, stirring frequently.
- Then add sugar all at once and return to a full rolling boil, stirring constantly. Boil hard for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Skim foam if necessary. Please note sugar is an important ingredient in any jams, if reduced it may result in not setting.
- Scoop hot carrot cake jam into hot jars leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Clean around rim. Put lids on jar and apply band until its fingertip tight.
- * Place jar in boiling water canner. ( see canning instructions below) Repeat until all jars are filled.
Sterilizing and Canning Procedures
Method: Sterilization:
1. Start by getting a large boiler and filling in about quarter full of water.
2. Then starting the water to a boil and placing your Mason jars inside then cover.
3. After let the pot boil for about 15-20 then remove your bottles and place them on paper towels or a cloth.
Canning Procedures:
1. After your food items are cooked and ready to bottle, scoop hot liquid and put inside your Mason jars.
2. Continue doing this until all bottles are complete and leaving 1/2 inch on top.
3. Clean around the top of your bottles removing any food of rims.
4. Then place caps and lids on your jars and tighten.
5. Then place your jars back in hot water bath and start the boil for another 5 minutes with the cover on boiler.

So I guess you are so close to making your our batch of homemade carrot cake jam, all you need now is your ingredients and mason jams then you are good to go. Years ago here in Newfoundland our parents and grandparents made jams out of anything, but usually freshly picked berries of any type and they would bottle them so we would have jam all winter long……. Now there is so much jams and jellies in the grocery stores people don’t want to be bothered with making their own jams, but the times are changing a little bit and some people are trying to get back to the basis and make things at home more.
I love to cook and bake so for me it comes easy but if someone else cooks or bakes for me I do love it too.
I receive so many message from people all over the world asking for advice on different recipes and what works best, having your pantry organized with bake goods on one side and meal goods on the other side and this way when you are looking for some thing you know where to look.
Just remember if you make it yourself, you know whats in the food and what you are putting in your body and that goes for our homemade jams, please take a few minutes and leave me a message or suggestion for a up and coming video.

Thank you once again for stopping by I hope you have enjoyed our website and recipe. From our kitchen to yours have a wonderful day.

A few weeks ago I bought a bottle of carrot cake jam at a market. I thought it was great and decided to google a few recipes to try it myself. Lo and Behold, a few hours before I started my search you actually posted your recipe. Being a fan of your strawberry rhubarb jam I decided to try your recipe. Your carrot cake jam actually has less sugar than a lot of other recipes. The recipe worked well. I distributed the jam to a number of my friends looking for feedback. It was a hit. My search for a carrot cake jam recipe has ended. Thanks so much. I enjoy your videos and your tips.
Hi Cathie: Thank you so much for your lovely message and for visiting our website, I’m so glad you enjoyed my recipe and for sharing it with your friends for feedback. That means a lot and having your support means so much,I first ate this jam last fall when I visit a farmers market in CBS and it was so good I knew I had to make it. But I didn’t want the full amount of sugar so I condensed it for that reason. Enjoy Bonita
I’m certainly not much of a cook but this recipe really sounds interesting and yummy. Question pineapple and pear in juice, do you recommend fresh or could you use good quality canned? Thanks
Hi Lianne: Thank you for your message and for stopping by, you can use fresh just chop in very small. If you don’t have access to canned. Enjoy Bonita
Hello I’m very new to canning and was wondering how long this would keep. This looks amazing and would love to try it! I love your videos and website.
Hi Rachel: Thank you for your message and for stopping by, if you follow the canning process your jam will last until is all eaten. I have jam and jelly in my cool cabinet storage that I made in 2017 so depending on the sealing of your jars. I hope this help and this jam is so tasty Its hard to only have one slice of bread.
Enjoy Bonita
Your recipe looks wonderful, but you don’t specify the type of Certo, liquid or powdered. I’m assuming it’s liquid, because of the method (crystals go in at the beginning of cooking). But you say 5 tbsp; is that the entire pouch? I know that jam making is a science, and it’s essential to get the right balance of acid, sugar and pectin. Thanks.
Hi Trish: Thank you for your message and for stopping by, I’m glad you are interested in making our recipe for carrot cake jam. This is a lovely and tasty recipe, you can use the powder or liquid whatever you have available. I used the powdered for this recipe, the package I had was a large pack, but if you measure out 5 tbsp it will be enough. Enjoy Bonita