How to make a delicious homemade cherry loaf from a few simple ingredients.

Years ago here in Newfoundland and Labrador our elders would make this loaf and many fruit cakes for Christmas time and special occasions.

I like to keep those traditions alive now for my family and sharing our recipes with you our viewers.

Toss flour coated cherries into batter and fold together.

Only a light folding of the flour coated cherries is enough before you scoop the batter in to one loaf pan or two small loaf pans.

One large loaf or two small.
Two small cherry loaves.
One or two loaves.
Cherry Loaf
Cream cheese icing over the top while the loaf is hot.

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On behalf of myself, RMHussey Productions and Team.

From our kitchen to yours!

Cherry Loaf
Thank you for stopping by, Enjoy 🙂 Bonita

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