Chicken Thigh Stew with Duff Pastry
Chicken Thigh Stew with Duff Pastry, made with skinless and bone in chicken thighs. Topped with small duff pastry biscuits and so delicious.

I hope you are still interested in making your own roaster of CHICKEN THIGH STEW with DUFF PASTRY BISCUITS. Sometimes you just don’t know what to make for supper or dinner, this is it made with a few simple ingredients and so tasty.

Chicken Thigh Stew with Duff Pastry
Dough for your duff pastry
Chicken Thigh Stew with Duff Pastry
Roll out pastry and cut small 3 inches biscuits or roll out your dough and place the full pastry over the top of the stew.
Chicken Thigh Stew with Duff Pastry
Have the stew thick before adding the biscuits and bake for 15 to 20 minutes.
Chicken Thigh Stew and Duff Pastry
Having the duff pastry off to the side and a nice bowl of stew, is so delicious.
Chicken Thigh Stew and Duff Pastry
Bottle the stew for a later date, keep in the fridge until gone or with in a couple of weeks, follow bottling video if you wish to bottle more.

Now how easy is this delicious CHICKEN THIGH STEW with DUFF PASTRY to make, follow our short video and like and share any of our videos with your family and friends to enjoy as well. If there is a seasoning or ingredient in our chicken thigh stew you can eat or don’t like just replace it, I won’t know. 🙂

Bonita's Kitchen
Thank you so much for stopping by and enjoying our recipe, from our kitchen to yours.

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