Traditional Newfoundland Cod Stew
Traditional Newfoundland Cod Stew, made with fresh cod, fat pork, fresh vegetables and boiled with salt pork and fresh homemade bread.

I guess you have made your mind up now to make this delicious cod stew but if you need more convincing I will keep going. My dad was a farmer in a small community in Newfoundland and we grow up with the best of bought worlds having access to endless amounts of vegetables. We lived 5 minutes from the wharf and there was always fisherman coming in from the water with a boat full of fresh cod, see where I’m going with this. I know times have changed and rules are different when it comes to trainer food for food but the same rule applies for eating fresh food, no matter how you have access to it.

Bean Soup with Ham
Vegetables chopped in chucks for our cod stew.

Eating a well balance diet is very important and having access to fresh vegetables is equally important to having a healthy meal. Having seafood and meats is also important when eating right and cooking at home is another very important part of a healthy diet.

Where am I going with this you may be saying! 

I’m hoping that watching our videos it has convinced you to make our recipe today for yourself and family.

Traditional Newfoundland Cod Stew
Bowl of Traditional Newfoundland Cod Stew, and a side of fresh homemade bread.

I have a recipe and video here as well for Stewed Cod and its another one of those meals that you can make the day before or the day of.

Traditional Newfoundland Stewed Cod

Stewed Cod
Traditional Newfoundland Stewed Cod made from atlantic cod and fried fat pork ( Scrunchions) and onions over a bed of potatoes.

I will share my bread recipe with you to check out, Traditional Newfoundland Homemade White Bread

Homemade bread
Freshly baked bread, with a lightly coat of butter melting over the bread.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our channel and for watching our video tutorial today, please leave me a message before you go. From our kitchen to yours, have a wonderful day. From myself, RMHussey Productions and Team!

Thank you from Bonita’s kitchen and RMHussey Productions.

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