I hope you are looking for a delicious date nut loaf if so you are in the right place, this date nut loaf is super easy to make and equally delicious. First make yourself a cup of tea and seat back and watch my 15 minute video with step by step tutorial on how to make your own DATE NUT LAOF.

Second you need the following ingredients posted below and then one hour to make your own DATE NUT LOAF, serve this delicious loaf hot or cold. With butter of icing and thick cream, it don't matter what you use or serve on its own.

I'm going to share with you a link to my COOKBOOK available on amazon ready to go, https://www.bonitaskitchen.com/cookbook

Please continue on to my recipe for this delicious date nut loaf, enjoy......:)
- Pitted Dates - 1 cup or 1 pack
- Brown sugar - 1 cup
- Butter or margarine - 1/2 cup
- Ground cloves - 1 tsp
- Hot Water - 1 cup
- Cold water - 1/4 cup
- Baking powder - 1 tsp
- Flour - 2 cups
- Sea salt - 1/2 to 1 tsp
- Baking Soda - 1 tsp
- Mixed nuts - 1/2 cup
Method :
- Add 1 cup hot water to saucepan, bring saucepan to a boil, add top 4 ingredients and remove from heat, let sit for 10-15 minute.
- In a large bowl, sift in flour, sea salt and baking powder, fold together.
- Then add baking soda to 1/4 cold water and add to date mixture to cool, Pour mixture to large bowl with dry ingredients, fold together slowly until all combined.
- Pour batter into a pre greased loaf pan or bunt pan.
- Pre-heat oven to 400ºF when oven is ready bake for 45 to 1 hour, depending on your oven until baked, Icing or serve with butter, hot or cold.
- To check to see if nit loaf is baked poke a knife in loaf if it comes out clean its baked.
- Sifting flour gives the flour a cake like batter and lightens the flour.

Sometimes you are just looking for the prefect loaf to make and its hard to know what to make, I have many of my website to check out. But this one can be cooked to ways, baked in a 400º for 45 minutes, and then if you don’t want to do that, then you can steam it in a pudding pan with lid for 1 hour and 1/2 on the stove top on a medium heat. It don’t matter how you make or cook it you with be over the moon with this recipe and the method.

I hope you have enjoyed my recipe and video for BAKED DATE NUT CAKE, you can never have enough cake and when its a healthy cake with dates that makes it so much better. You can change some of the ingredients to meet your dietary needs but don’t change the amount only flour, sugar, and dates if needed.

Remember if you don’t own a pudding pan it is a wonderful investment and one you will have for many years, LOOK AT THIS PUDDING ABOVE, I got my pudding tin at our local store but you can get them on amazon all different types and for cheap. You can also use this pan for baking and steaming for equal results and the convenience is worth it. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read my blog and enjoy our recipe and video, please leave me a message or a recipe suggestion before you go.

Delicious, just made two. Fortunately I watched the video first however as there is an error in the written recipe ingredients. A quarter cup of cold water and 1 teaspoon of baking SODA is what it should read. The baking powder is mixed with the flour .
Hi Rosemary: Thank you so much for your message ad for stopping by, I’m so glad you enjoyed our recipe. I just copied and past a part of the recipe I’m not sure were the error is. Below is what our written recipe is saying.
(Then in a glass add baking soda to 1/4 cold water and add to mixture to cool.
Pour mixture in large bowl then, sift in flour, salt and baking powder to mixture, fold together add mixed nuts until all combined.)
I hope this helps and message any time if our recipe or video is not clear or something don’t seem right.
Enjoy Bonita
Hi my friend I’m wondering if you have a recipe for old fashioned carrot cake and cream cheese icing my friend is sick with cancer, and loves ? cake
Thanks Paul
Hi Paul: Thank you for your message and for stopping by, I’m so glad you are enjoying our recipes, sorry to hear about your friend. I have a link here to our carrot cake with cream cheese frosting https://youtu.be/VAgmhfhxuDE anytime you are looking for a recipe you can type in what you are looking for in the search bar on this website. Stay safe and we will keep you in our thoughts, say hi to your friend for us. Enjoy Bonita
In the list of ingredients the baking powder 1 tsp. is listed twice, the baking soda is not listed in the ingredients, just in the instructions.
Hi Linda, Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know about the typo. I did fix it and it was 1 tsp baking soda. This is a lovely loaf and very tasty. Enjoy