Looking for a delicious recipe for EASTER CUPCAKES, you are in the right place. Our recipe is easy to follow and ever so tasty.

This cupcake recipe is good anytime of the year or for any occasion, change the food colouring to meet the season or just plain old icing over the top. Anyway you serve them is up to you, I love to bake and cook, teaching others to enjoy the same is my passion.

Look at these two colours of frosting.
Decorate your cupcake anyway you like.

When I was a little girl my mom would have a easter party every EASTER MONDAY for me and my four sisters, we would invite our close friends and they would bring their easter bunnies and mom would have easter cupcakes and boiled eggs for us the enjoy. We continued with the tradition and our two sons would invite their friends over to our place and have a EASTER PARTY and watch Easter movies. But this recipe can be used for any occasion including a wedding cupcake or a birthday party.

Display of easter cupcakes for our easter party
Cup of tea and a boiled egg with a a cupcake.

We hope you enjoyed our video and recipe for easter cupcakes and thank you for taking the time to stop by and read our blog and look over a photos. Please leave us a message before you go we would love to hear from you, if you are celebrating Easter or any occasion this recipe for EASTER CUPCAKES will be a winning at your event. From our kitchen to yours have a wonderful day. Bonita, RMHussey Productions and Team.

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