Ginger Sponge Pudding
Steamed ginger sponge pudding and topped with a delicious ginger custard sauce and thick cream.

We hope you are still very interested in our delicious steamed ginger sponge pudding today, years ago here in Newfoundland and Labrador people would have puddings or bread with many meals.

My dad would say, this was because there was big families and mouths to feed, having pudding on the side would help fill you quicker. 

Ginger Sponge Pudding
One steamed on the stove top and one cooked in the microwave.

Now! How good do these delicious puddings look!

Believe me they taste amazing and the ginger just pops in your mouth after every taste. Whether you have it microwave style or steamed on the stove top, you won’t be disappointed with the results. Use fresh ginger or ground whatever you have available, but most diffently grate some fresh ginger over the ginger custard to have that hot and warm taste in ever bit……

Ginger Sponge Pudding
Two slices of ginger sponge pudding so tasty….
Ginger Sponge Pudding
Look at the inside of the tasty pudding.
Ginger Sponge Pudding
Thank you for stopping by 🙂 Enjoy Bonita, RMHussey Productions and Team.

On behalf of myself Bonita, RMHussey Productions and Team, we would like to thank you for stopping by and please leave us a message before you go. Stay safe and God Bless…….from our kitchen to yours.

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