- Yield: 1 Lasagna
- Prep Time: 60 minutes
- Cook Time: 30 minutes
- Serving: For Family
Homemade Lasagna

Hi and welcome to Bonita's kitchen, I guess you are looking for a delicious recipe for homemade lasagna. Will! Look no further because this is the recipe for you.
Homemade lasagna is so delicious, there are so many ways to make lasagna but the best way to make it is the way you enjoy it. I also have attached a video with step by step tutorial on how to make your own lasagna for scratch. This Homemade Lasagna is made with freshly made dough and topped with a delicious layer of sauté ground beef with onions,garlic, carrots, and double the sauce. Then topped with your favourite shredded cheeses, I hope i have convinced you to continue on the the rest of my website to see the recipe and lovely pictures.

This lasagna dough recipe is super easy to make and you can make it and freeze it for another time if you make more then you need.

Building the flavours from the bottom up in this recipe for Homemade Lasagna and thats what makes a delicious meal.

I hope I've convinced you now to continue on to my recipe but before you do I would like to share with you another recipe you may like to try are a dessert after you make your lasagna.
Traditional Newfoundland Old Fashion Trifle

I'm going to share a link to my Cookbook for you to check out, you may like to enjoy your copy.

Thank you for visiting my website, please continue on now to the recipe for, Homemade Lasagna.
- Lasagna Noodles - 6 Sheets ( freshly made or of choice)
- Pasta or Tomato Sauce - 1 Can or Bottle
- Lean Ground Beef - 5 to 6 Cups
- Onion - 1 Small or Medium Chopped
- Cottage Cheese - 1 Container
- Shredded Cheese - 2 to 3 Cups of choice
- Pepper - Pinches as needed
- Sea Salt - Pinches for Boiling Pasta
- Crushed Tomatoes - 1 Cup
- Italian Seasoning - 1 Tsp
- Grated Carrot - 1 Cup
- Egg - 1 Large
- Garlic - 2 Cloves crushed or powder
- Flour - 2 Cups Sifted, extra if needed
- Eggs - 2 Large
- Sea Salt - 1/2 Tsp
- Cold Water - 1/2 Cup more if needed
- Olive Oil - Pinch
Method for Dough:
1. In a large bowl sift together flour and sea salt, then add eggs and one teaspoon of cold water first then start to mix together with a spoon.
2. Then use your hand and fold dough towards you and kneading the same time, you may need to add more flour or water while kneading.
3. Continue doing this for about 5 to 10 minutes then wrap in plaslic wrap, then set aside to rest for 15 to 20 min.
4. Remove dough from plastic wrap and cut in three pieces, then start to roll out each piece into a rectangle sheet cutting away the sides.
5. After start the boiling on a pot of water, when water comes to a boil, add a pinch of sea salt and olive oil then add the three sheets of lasagna noodles or one at a time let boil for 5 to 6 minutes.
6. Then remove from hot water set aside until ready to use.
Method for Homemade Lasagna:
- In a large frying pan add lean ground beef, sea salt and pepper, start to fry until it starts to cook.
- Then add chopped onions, Italian seasoning and garlic continue frying until part brown then add carrots, 1 cup crushed tomatoes and tomato sauce.
- After remove from heat and set a side, you will need a large glass baking pan, or pan of choice.
- Mix together cottage cheese and egg.
- Lightly oil the pan, then add a layer of pasta or tomato sauce, and a 1 or 2 sheets of lasagna noodles.
- Then another layer of sauce, small layer cottage cheese and then cooked ground beef mixture.
- Then a layer of shredded cheese and another 1 or 2 sheets of lasagna, after repeat the same order.
- Then add the last step a 1 or 2 sheets of lasagna and topped with cottage cheese and shredded cheese.
- Bake in a pre heated 350º oven for 30 minutes, or until cheese is golden brown.
- Remove from heat let rest for a few minutes, then cut and serve with freshly toasted garlic bread.

Everyone got their own way of making this delicious lasagna and I’m sure is will be equally delicious. I have been making lasagna for years but over the years I feel I’m getting more creative. Having the right flavours and texture is very important in all your cooking. I have a video for you to watch and follow a long with to make this lovely and delicious lasagna.

I like to use crushed tomatoes in my lasagna I guess I like the chunkiness of the layers and taste, but if you don’t like crushed tomatoes leave them out. Another ingredient I like to use in my lasagna is grated carrots about a cup full, this gives the lasagna a nice flavour and texture and its a great way to sneak in vegetables in your meal.

This is one of many delicious homemade meals I have available on my website, my gold is to have these quick and easy recipes available for you and your loved ones to get back into the kitchen. Making your own food is very rewarding and it can be cost effective too.

These four simple ingredients are all you need to make this homemade dough, mixing is well is another important step. Plus kneading it well for 5 to 10 minutes to activate the dough and then the texture is at its best.

Just look at the delicious dough boiling, the texture of these noodles will make you never want to buy boxed noodles again.

Continuing on with another layer the same way, this recipe is so easy and delicious.

I hope you enjoyed this video and my recipe for Homemade Lasagna I’m going to share with you one more recipe you may like to make.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and visit my website, so “FROM MY KITCHEN TO YOURS” have a lovely day.

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Whenever I notice that one of your recipes says one cup of ground beef; it makes me wonder how much that is. We buy ground beef by the pound. Is one pound equal to 1 cup or 2?
Hi Mary: Thank you so much for your message and for visiting our website, 1 cup is a half pound. But you can use more if you like more ground beef in your filling. I hope this helps and enjoy. Bonita
I really like this recipe! and many of the others. My Mom’s parents were from Bonavista, (Moland), and Dad’s Father had a Diner in Yarmouth, NS. Grampy cooked on a big wood stove and used coal too. We had such good food growing up ) I just wanted to ask if you ever make Sea Food Lasagna? I had a good recipe, but lost it. The recipes on the internet are so fancy with too much ingredients like white wine?! I have watched many of your videos and enjoy them so much. It had a white sauce. I am sure it would be so good with your home made noodles. I know it is not traditional. But I thought you would like to try it?
Hi Peter: Thank you for your message and I’m so glad you are enjoying our videos and recipes. I could almost picture your family home from your message, I grow up with a wood stove and thats were my parents cooked all our meals. I don’t have a recipe for seafood lasagna but I do have a seafood chowder on there and a few creamy cod meals. I’m thinking the same cream sauce I used for creamed cod would be lovely for your seafood lasagna if you wish to check it out. The seafood that would work is cod, shrimp, salmon and scallops for the seafood chowder and you don’t need to use wines, I’m a pretty basic cook but I love different foods as well, I hope this helps and have a lovely day. Bonita