Homemade Partridgeberry Jam
How to make a tasty batch of Homemade Partridgeberry Jam with freshly picked partridgeberries or frozen.

I make this jam all year around because I freeze the berries in a freezer bag with two cups of berries in each bag.

Homemade Partridgeberry Jam
Add the sugar to the cooked berries after they have release all it’s juice from the berries. Stir!

So after the berries have cooked for 15 minutes or so add the sugar and stir it in. Then keep stirring occasionally until you see the berries juice starting to thicken. This could take about another 15 minutes or so.

If don’t have to be totally thick just a nice texture. After the jam comes to room temp it would continue to thicken to a spreadable jam.

Homemade Partridgeberry Jam
This is what your jam will look like at that stage.
Homemade Partridgeberry Jam
After prepare your jars and then scoop the jam into the jar while hot!!

Prepare your jars first  Sterilizing and Canning Procedures

Sweet Mustard Pickled Eggs
Preparing your jars before you fill them.

Then scoop the jam into the jars leaving  ½ inch from the top. Clean around the top rim before adding the cap and lid. Twist them on finger tight and put them a side to put back into the boiler to seal the tops.

Homemade Partridgeberry Jam
Bottling your jam.
Homemade Partridgeberry Jam
Homemade Partridgeberry Jam

Thank you for stopping by and for watching our short video tutorial. Please leave us a message before you go and if you are looking for more info or another recipe send me a message. On behalf of myself, RMHussey Productions and Team and from our kitchen to yours.

Homemade Partridgeberry Jam
Thank you for stopping by. Enjoy Bonita

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