Hot Cross Buns
Hot Cross Buns, made with delicious mixed fruit and evaporated milk and topped with honey.

So many different names for these delicious little buns, bread buns with fruit, easter buns, cross buns and I’m sure you can even remember a few different names. What ever name you call them they are delicious and lovely with butter and jam.

Hot cross buns
Hot cross buns with butter and partridgeberry jam.
Hot Cross Buns
Homemade dough for hot cross buns, packed full of mixed fruit.

I love working with dough if you have been follow my videos you may have heard me say that a few times, working with dough is the best feeling ever if you enjoy to bake. Never be afraid of working your dough or adding more flour or water while mixing at the first steps. Working with yeast its so forgiving and what I mean by that is if you let it rise and then mix it good it will be good to you.

hot cross buns
Fruit dough for our hot cross buns.
Hot cross buns
Covering your dough with a towel to keep warm for it to rise.

Keeping your dough warm and in a warm place in your kitchen is very important in having amazing results in making buns or bread. 

Hot cross buns
Cutting out the little buns and forming them into a ball, placing them in a baking pan with parchment paper to help from burning.

See how simple making hot cross buns can be, a lot better then buying them in the stores. I can’t thank you enough for visiting my website and watching my video links to these delicious recipes. Thats what its all about making good food and creating amazing results also for you and your family to enjoy your gift to them.

hot cross buns
Making a cross over the top of the buns with a floury paste.
Hot cross buns
Baking in the oven on a 350º heat for 20-25 minutes.
Hot Cross Buns
Delicious pan of hot cross buns all ready for some honey.
Hot cross buns
Hot Cross Buns topped with honey.

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Thank You and Enjoy Bonita 🙂

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