Lobster Fritters
Lobster fritters are made with lobster shavings, a tasty batter and a quick dipping sauce.

I hope you are still very interested in learning more about how to make your batch of lobster fritters today!!!

Lobster Fritters
Scoop one tbsp of batter into a 350ºf preheated deep fryer.

You will need a deep fryer wth oil…..preheat to 350ºf and cook for 2 minutes or so on each side or until golden brown..

Lobster Fritters
Scoop four dollops of lobster batter into hot oil.
Lobster Fritters
Lobster fritters are ready!!!

Make a quick lemon or orange sauce!!

Orange Marmalade

Lobster Fritters
Add marmalade, hot water, lemon zest and vinegar to a jar and shake well.
Lobster Fritters
Cut one in half to see the white fluffy fried batter inside.

So tasty!!!

Lobster Fritters
Lobster fritters and orange sauce is ready!!

Thank you so much for stopping by…we hope you enjoyed our recipe today for LOBSTER FRITTERS!!!

On behalf of myself, RMHussey Productions and Team!!! From our kitchen to yours!!!!

Have a wonderful day!!!!

Lobster Fritters
Thank you for stopping by!! Bonita

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