Hot bowl of MUSHROOM and GROUND BEEF STEW, served with a slice of homemade bread with butter.

This is an affordable slow cooked stew and only a few simple ingredients to making it.

Mushroom and Ground Beef Stew
Slow cooked stew!

This is so tasty and after you put one can of cream of mushroom soup in the boiler, then add one can of water or broth….

Mushroom and Ground Beef Stew
Add carrot and potato chucks, fold together.

Affordable any time stew and so tasty…..

Mushroom and Ground Beef Stew
Simmer on a low heat in your slow cooker or on the stove top in the boiler…

Half hour before you are ready to serve add the rest of your ingredients, green onion, mixed veggies and celery. Let continue cooking until ready to serve…..

Mushroom and Ground Beef Stew
Green onion, celery and mixed veggies.

Thank you for stopping by here today and for checking out our tasty mushroom and ground beef stew, don’t forget to check out the short video tutorial before you go.

Mushroom and Ground Beef Stew
Slow cooked mushroom and ground beef stew…..
Mushroom and Ground Beef Stew
Thank you for stopping by, from our kitchen to yours….Bonita, Raymond and Team

From our kitchen to yours, thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful day! 

Bonita, Raymond and Team!

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