Homemade bread
Freshly baked homemade white bread freshly baked, these three little loafs of bread with small little buns in each loaf. This is a big tradition for generations to make our bread stand out among other recipes.

There is a lot of delicious homemade bread recipes out there to make but I love these tiny little buns of bread, when I take them out of the oven they don’t get time enough to cool down and its cut and butter spread all over the slice. 🙂

Homemade Bread
Bread dough rising
Homemade toutons
Homemade Fried toutons

Traditional Newfoundland Toutons and Frozies

Traditional Newfoundland Homemade Bread
Homemade Bread buns
Newfoundland homemade bread - bonita's kitchen
Bread, buns, and toutons

I can’t stop talking about how easy and good this bread recipe is, sometimes it do take a couple of attempts before you master bread making. But don’t stop until you are satisfied with your bread recipe and of course having a slice of homemade bread is your reward. I will share with you some links to more Traditional Newfoundland Recipe for bread and Jams.

Traditional Newfoundland Sweet Molasses Raisin Bread

Traditional Newfoundland Sweet Molasses Raisin Bread
Sweet Molasses Raisin Bread

Traditional Newfoundland Raspberry Jam

Raspberry Jam
Traditional Newfoundland Raspberry Jam, these fresh raspberries was picked in my sisters yard.

I will also share a link to my new cookbook that you can find this recipe for Homemade White Bread.

Homemade Whole Wheat Bread

Homemade Whole Wheat Bread
Homemade Whole Wheat Bread made with 100% whole wheat and honey to bring that delicious homemade taste.



Bonita’s Kitchen Cookbook

Please continue on to this recipe and enjoy to the fullest, thank you for visiting my website please leave me a message. 🙂

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