Pickled Beets
Freshly grown beets from our local farmers market.

Traditional Newfoundland Pickled Beets have been made by many Newfoundlanders all over the world. This recipe for pickled beets is so good you will not make it any other way.

I know beets are in many many recipes, juices, salads and soups but the only way I remember beets is pickled and with your  Traditional Newfoundland Jiggs Dinner on Sunday.

Jiggs Dinner
Traditional Newfoundland Jiggs Dinner.

But now I love beets so much I have a juicer and just today I made this delicious fresh beet, carrots, cucumber, oranges, ginger and kale juice so good, I also tossed in a few ice cubes and lemon wedges just to dress it up.

Beets are also very good for you and got lots of nutrition.

So if you thought you didn’t like beets I hope I gave you a few ideas on what to do with beets also like this delicious beet salad.

Traditional Newfoundland Cold Plates
Traditional Newfoundland beet salad.

This delicious beet salad is made with pickled beets and is very popular on Sunday’s. Most Newfoundlanders would make old fashion Traditional Newfoundland Cold Plates with beet salad.

Traditional Newfoundland Cold Plates
Cold plate with mustard salad, beet salad, coleslaw, tomato, iceberg lettuce, and cheese.

One more way to enjoy beets with your everyday meals, also freshly cooked beets boiled until soft peeled and cut in small cubes, toss in chopped or crushed garlic, sea salt and pepper, a dash of  olive oil you will have the best beet salad ever. This can stay in your fridge covered for a week to enjoy. This recipe belongs to my good friend from years ago she would always make this recipe every time we visited her for supper.

Please continue on to our recipe and don’t forget to watch our video tutorial.

From our kitchen to yours have a wonderful day. Bonita, RMHussey Productions and Team. 🙂

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