Plumboy Berries and Cream Cheese Mini Pies, These delicious berries and black in colour and taste like raspberries or blackberries.

I will share more berry recipes with you and it’s links.


Traditional Newfoundland Bakeapple Jam

Bakeapple Jam
Homemade Bakeapple jam

Traditional Newfoundland Blueberry Jam

Traditional Newfoundland Blueberry Jam
Blueberry Jam and freshly picked blueberries

I couldn’t believe my eyes when i seen all of these plumboys in my back yard, of course I had to video them and make something good.

These freshly picked plumboys are tart in taste but so good.

I can’t stress enough about how good and delicious berries are for you, and they make so many wonderful delicious desserts, jams and jellies.

Newfoundland and Labrador is full of many different berries and they are ready to pick at different times in the season. I can go on and on about berries because I love picking them and of course cooking with them.

Traditional Newfoundland Partridgeberry Jam

Traditional Newfoundland Partridgeberry Jam
Freshly picked Partridgeberry made into a sweet and tart Jam or jelly.

These partridgeberries are picked in late September and early October and they freeze really well if you like to keep some for the winter months.

Working with berries is fun because they all got different textures and some is overly juicy and some is hard and crunchy. You need to take your time cooking them and let the berry slowly condense down and make this amazing jam or jelly.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and visit our website its because of people like you I continue bringing you our cultural recipes and share with you some stories.

So from our kitchen to yours, enjoy every one of my Traditional Newfoundland recipes on this site.

Welcome to Bonita's kitchen
Enjoy Bonita

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