Prime Rib Roast Dinner with Yorkshire Pudding
Prime Rib Roast Dinner with Yorkshire Pudding fresh local vegetables and homemade Yorkshire pudding.

Freshly baked Yorkshire pudding is the best and I’m sure I can eat them on its own, but having them with a fully loaded prime rib dinner works too.

Prime Rib Roast Dinner with Yorkshire Pudding
Homemade Yorkshire Pudding

I’m sure you have days were you just don’t know what to have for supper, I do believe it or not. 🙂 When I worked a 9/5 job this was the same question everyday, ” WHAT TO HAVE FOR SUPPER” Right! Not anymore those days are over, I pretty much know what I’m going to have tomorrow when meal planning. If I get a invite out for supper if its not for three days time I’m busy because I’ve already took out what I’m going to have for two days. See where I’m going with this, planning and having meal ideas a couple of days in advance is very important when you are working. Now I’ve ranted I will continue on sharing photos and recipe ideas for you. 

prime rib roast dinner with yorkshire pudding
Seasonings for your prime rib roast dinner with Yorkshire pudding.
prime rib roast dinner with yorkshire pudding
Medium rare prime rib roast topped with rosemary, thyme, garlic, salt and pepper.

I’m thinking you are hungry now, keep looking at the rest I have more to show you. 

prime rib roast dinner with yorkshire pudding
Fresh local vegetables from my brother-in-laws garden.

I don’t know what else to say about making a prime rib roast dinner with Yorkshire pudding, this recipe and video will help you get started if you never made one before. This is a good time to buy a roast and get started, follow the step by step video and you will do great. Before I leave you I would like to share a dessert with you to have with your prime rib roast dinner. Enjoy

Traditional Newfoundland Old Fashion Trifle

Layers of delicious ingredients, cream cheese and whip cream, sponge cake, vanilla pudding, can fruit cocktail.

Thank you so much for stopping by please leave me a message before you go and from my kitchen to yours, have a wonderful day. 🙂

Thank you from Bonita’s kitchen and RMHussey Productions.

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