- Yield: 12-18 muffins
- Prep Time: 15 minutes
- Cook Time: 35 minutes
- Serving: For Family

HI and Welcome to our website!
If you are looking for a delicious recipe for PUMPKIN MUFFINS you are in the right place, I have a recipe and video for you to enjoy for PUMPKIN CARROT WALNUT MUFFINS with a CREAM CHEESE FROSTING. This will make a great Halloween treat for anyone of your family or friends that likes to have a delicious treat as well. This recipe is quick and easy to make and the frosting is good to have in the fridge for any muffin or loaf you wish to make. So seat back and make yourself a cup of tea or a beverage of choice and enjoy our short video tutorial.

If you are looking to make your own pumpkin filling check out our video for Pumpkin Pie it is as well a lovely easy recipe to follow. Enjoy
Pumpkin Spice Cream Cheese Pie

Thank you for stopping by and please continue on to our recipe and video for PUMPKIN CARROT WALNUT MUFFINS. Please leave us a message before you go letting us know what you think of this recipe or any of our recipe on our site.

- Pumpkin Filling - 1 cup, fresh or canned
- Butter or margarine - 1/2 cup
- Brown sugar - 3/4 cup
- Shredded carrot - 1 1/2 cups
- Chopped walnut - 1 cup
- Eggs - 2 large
- Maple syrup - 1/2 cup
- Pumpkin spice - 2 or 3 tsp
- Flour - 2 1/2 cups white or wheat
- Baking powder - 1 1/2 tsp
- Baking soda - 1 tsp
- Sea salt - 1/2 tsp
- Cream cheese - 1 250g pack
- Powdered Icing Sugar - 2 cups
- Butter - 1/2 cup
- Brown sugar - 1/2 cup
- Maple syrup - 1 tbsp
- Pumpkin filling - 1 tbsp
- Pumpkin spice - 1/2 tsp
- Pre-heat oven to 350º and bake for 35 minutes or less depending on your oven
- In a large bowl add butter and brown sugar, cream together.
- Then add eggs, maple syrup and pumpkin filling, fold together.
- After add shredded carrots, continue folding together.
- Shift in flour, baking powder, baking soda, sea salt and pumpkin spice continue to fold together.
- Add walnuts and then prepare muffin pan.
- Use cupcake liners or oil pan good….
- Scoop equal amounts of pumpkin mixture in each muffin cup and continue doing this until all mixture is used.
- Bake in a 350º oven for 30 to 35 minutes, or until baked then poke muffins with a toothpick to make sure they are baked.
- After put out on a cooling rack until cool then icing.
- In a bowl add cream cheese and butter beat well until combined.
- After add brown sugar continue mixing together, then add maple syrup, pumpkin filling, pumpkin spice and powdered sugar mix well.
- Then after all creamed good together, start to icing your cool muffins and then add any topping or just leave that way.

These delicious pumpkin carrot walnut muffins are to good to eat…..:) If you ever made them before you would know for sure, but if you haven’t made them before you are in the right place. We have a video tutorial and a full recipe available for your to enjoy and watch. Blending those spices and maple syrup together the smell just touches your soul its so good, then to top it off we have fresh local carrots grated to give these muffins a texture that is over the moon. The colour of the batter deep brown and orange shreds of carrot, infused with pumpkin spice and brown sugar to bring this muffin over the top. NOW! If you don’t believe me just make a batch of our muffins yourself and you tell me what you think of them.

Everyone can make muffins and most of us can make them from scratch, but sometimes you need to create and muffin that stands out from the rest. This is that muffin………so if you are looking to make something for a work pot luck or a family gathering this is the way to go. No mess, No fuss, No leftovers, so what do you think.

If you haven’t had pumpkin muffins with maple syrup before you should give it a try, anything maple syrup I always say.

During October you have access to sweet pumpkin for cooking with, that is the time you need to buy it and cook it up after you have made your filling freeze in freezer bags and date it. You will be sat for the next year muffin muffins, cakes and pies, this is what i do. Please continue on to our recipe and video for PUMPKIN CARROT WALNUT MUFFINS.
Hi Bonita,
Could this be used for a cake? Would it be a 9×13 pan? Love your recipes and watching you cook.
Thank you, Angel.
Hi Angel: Sorry I just seen your message, yes it can and 9 x 13 would be great. Thank you for your message and for visiting our website.
Enjoy Bonita
hi how can i get a good traditional cook book of yours?
Hi David: Thank you for your message, and for your interest in my cookbook, i have them available on amazon https://www.bonitaskitchen.com/cookbook I do have some available through me but only for postage in Canada at this time. My email address is bonitakitchen@gmail.com you can send me a message there if you wish more info. Have a lovely evening and thank you,