Rhubarb and Parsnip Biscuits
Rhubarb and Parsnip Biscuits made with stewed rhubarb and mashed parsnip. So tasty!

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Rhubarb and Parsnip Biscuits
Stewed rhubarb and mashed parsnip.

Make these two ingredients earlier in the day and have at total room temperature or cold.

Rhubarb and Parsnip Biscuits
Sift dry ingredients into the wet ingredients.

Adding the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients in three steps, mix together and then using your hand to form into a ball. Place on the counter top to flatten by hand or rolling pin…

Rhubarb and Parsnip Biscuits
Form dough into a ball.

After you form dough into a ball, remove from bowl and place on the counter dusted with flour. Roll with a rolling pin or by hand.

Rhubarb and Parsnip Biscuits
Flatten dough by hand or with roller.
Rhubarb and Parsnip Biscuits
Cut 2½” round biscuit out.
Rhubarb and Parsnip Biscuits
Cut out 12 biscuits and place on a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

Baking them a little a part will bake them even, brush with a egg wash and preheat oven to 400ºf and bake for 20 to 25 minutes.

Rhubarb and Parsnip Biscuits
So tasty and our Rhubarb and Parsnip Biscuits are baked….
Rhubarb and Parsnip Biscuits
Hi and thank you for stopping by…..enjoy 🙂 Bonita

Thank you for stopping by and we hope you get to make our tasty “Rhubarb and Parsnip Biscuits” some time.

On behalf of myself, RMHussey Productions and Team and from our kitchen to yours.

Have a wonderful day!

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