Rocky Road Squares
Rocky Road Squares, made with chocolate chips, peanut butter, marshmallows, and nuts, then topped with coconuts.

I believe you must be interested in our recipe for these delicious rocky road squares now, if so you may have all of these ingredients in your pantry, so what are you waiting for. 🙂 My love of cooking and baking is our gift to you to enjoy….. if you have a few extra minutes leave us a message or a video suggestion if you have a favourite one.

Rocky Road Squares
Delicious tray of Rocky Road Squares.

We have over 190 recipes and videos available here and on youtube, plus our Facebook page. We also try to share information about up and coming events on our Facebook page to keep you informed with our channel. I’m thinking that this is enough info to get you started on your batch of rocky road squares so thank you for taking the time to stop by and read our blog…..From our kitchen to yours take care and have a wonderful day……:) Bonita

Rocky Road Squares
Thank you for visiting our website and from our kitchen to yours. take care and have a wonderful day…Bonita and RMHussey Productions.

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