Freshly baked salmon bread roll with fresh local atlantic salmon, homemade dough, cream cheese filling with cooked salmon inside, so delicious.

Please take a few more minutes to check out a few more pictures and if you haven’t watched our video tutorial yet  just sit back with a cup of tea and enjoy.

Homemade dough for our delicious salmon bread roll.
Flatten dough and add lots of salmon filling, top with green onion and more fresh salmon pieces.
Roll and cut into 1 or 1 1/2 inch rolls and place in baking pan.

Let the salmon bread roll rise for about 20 minutes before baking in a pre-heated oven 350º for 30 to 35 minutes.

Salmon Bread Roll
Baked and ready to eat. 🙂
Salmon Bread Roll
Just look at the salmon filling inside our delicious homemade salmon bread roll.
Salmon Bread Roll
Thank you for visiting our website and from our kitchen to yours have a wonderful day.

So thank you for stopping by and enjoy our delicious recipe and please take a few minutes to watch our video, please leave us a message before you go and from our kitchen to yours, have a lovely day. Bonita, RMHussey Productions and Team.

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