SAUSAGE and POTATO Pastries, made with breakfast sausages and you can bake, air fry or deep fried.

If you like pastry recipes you are going to love this one, I can’t get enough of these tasty little sausage and potato pastries. Please continue on to more pictures and info about how you can make these today!!!

Sausage and Potato Pastries
Roll out pastry and cut 4″ round pieces about 24.

This is a affordable meal and a little fancy for a family event or staff pot luck, don’t forget to watch our short video tutorial.

Sausage and Potato Pastries
Fold pastry over mixture and fork the sides and brush with some butter or egg wash.

This pastry makes 24 – 4″ round cut outs! But the mixture is for a little more, so you can make Sausage and Potato cakes. Take about a ¼ cup of the mixture in your hand and shape into a patty and roll in some flour. Fry for about 5 minutes on each side with some butter or oil, or until golden brown.

Sausage and Potato Pastries.
Fried Sausage and Potato cakes. From leftover mixture.
Sausage and Potato Pastries
Bake them on 375ºF.
Sausage and Potato Pastries
Air Fry them until golden brown.
Sausage and Potato Pastries
Deep fry them on 350ºF until golden brown.
Sausage and Potato Pastries
Our Sausage and Potato Pastries are ready to serve!!!

We hope you enjoyed our recipe today and don’t forget to check out more tasty recipe here and on our Youtube channel. Also this is a link to how to make our pastry CORNED BEEF PASTRIES

Sausage and Potato Pastries
Thank you for stopping by and enjoy!!!Bonita

Thank you so much for stopping by and please leave us a message letting us know what you think of our recipe. On behalf of myself, RMHussey Productions and Team!!!!

From our kitchen to yours!

Have a lovely day!!!

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