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If you are looking for a tasty recipe for adding sausage to continue on to our recipe below and we will share with you our recipe for sausage and potato pastries.

Remove from casings and fry sausage with chopped onion and seasonings until golden brown.

Grain the fennel seeds first until a little more ground, then toss into frying pan with sausage.

I'm cooking a breakfast pork and beef sausage but you can use whatever type of sausage you enjoy eating.

Fold all ingredients together and make the pastry. Cut 24 - 4" round pieces and add 1 teaspoonful of mixture to a tablespoon to each piece of pastry and fold over. Wet the ends and fold down the ends to keep mixture inside.

I hope you are still very interested in making our tasty SAUSAGE and POTATO Pastries recipe today. This is a quick and very tasty meal or appetizer. Plus you can bake, air fry or deep fry these tasty pastries.
I will share the link to our cookbooks and please continue on to our recipe and more info to make yours today......don't forget to watch our short video tutorial before you go!!!

- Breakfast Sausages - 1 or 2 pounds, any type
- Potatoes - 3 each, peel and boil
- onion - 1 medium, peel and chop
- Black or White Pepper - ½ tsp
- Sea salt - ½ tsp, for the potatoes
- Onion powder - ½ tsp
- Fennel seeds - ½ tsp
- Butter or margarine - 1 tbsp
- Olive oil - 1 tsp
- Shredded cheese - 1 cup
Peel and wash potatoes and add to a saucepan of water with ½ tsp sea salt, boil on a medium heat until fork tender.
In a frying pan add butter and olive oil on a medium heat.
Then remove casings from sausage and cut in small pieces and add to frying pan and start cooking, remove any oil from pan.
Peel and dice onion and add to frying pan and cook with sausage until golden brown. Remove from heat. In a bowl add potatoes and mash with some butter. Then fold in the sausage and onions, then continue folding it together until combined.
Then make your pastry dough see recipe below!!
Pastry Dough:
2 cup white or wheat flour ½ cup Cold Butter
½ tsp salt ½ cup COLD water
Mix flour, butter ( chop in pieces) and salt together in bowl mix with your hand or mixer with hook, when mixed add water mix with fork until it crumbles then by hand shape into a ball then remove from bowl/mixer.
Put dough on the counter top and sprinkle with flour, cut the ball into two pieces then roll out until all even.
Cut in 4” round pieces until all used, take a tablespoon of the potato and sausage mixer and place in the middle of dough cut outs and fold over. Pinch the sides down with a fork and a dusting of butter.
Preheat oven to 375ºF and bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown. You can also deep fry or cook in the Air Fryer.
Serve as a appetizer or with a meal.
Bonita’s Tip: After cooked and at room temperature you can freeze them in a air tight container and reheat them in the Air Fryer or oven to crisp up.

If you like pastry recipes you are going to love this one, I can’t get enough of these tasty little sausage and potato pastries. Please continue on to more pictures and info about how you can make these today!!!

This is a affordable meal and a little fancy for a family event or staff pot luck, don’t forget to watch our short video tutorial.

This pastry makes 24 – 4″ round cut outs! But the mixture is for a little more, so you can make Sausage and Potato cakes. Take about a ¼ cup of the mixture in your hand and shape into a patty and roll in some flour. Fry for about 5 minutes on each side with some butter or oil, or until golden brown.

We hope you enjoyed our recipe today and don’t forget to check out more tasty recipe here and on our Youtube channel. Also this is a link to how to make our pastry CORNED BEEF PASTRIES

Thank you so much for stopping by and please leave us a message letting us know what you think of our recipe. On behalf of myself, RMHussey Productions and Team!!!!
From our kitchen to yours!
Have a lovely day!!!
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Love your recipes and sooo enjoy your videos!!! Gotta make these lovely sausage and potato pastries!!
Hi Elizabeth, Thank you for your message and for stopping by..I’m so glad you enjoy our recipes. This one is very tasty and they freeze lovely too!!