pork chops stuffed
Stuffed Pork Chops with Mushroom Sauce, then served with fresh carrots, steamed rice and fresh bread.

I hope you are enjoying this recipe, we have requests for many recipes everyday and I’m trying to get to as many of them as possible. This one was requested by one of our viewers, I hope you like it. Making a meal for your family every night is a big job, but one you should enjoy and one all the family can get involve in. I remember working a full time job and cooking at home for three very hungry men, but they were wonderful helpers both in the kitchen and throughout the house. Many hands make lite work! “Remember those words the next time you are wonderful what to make for dinner, ask your family to help”.

Pork chops cut 3/4 ways in the middle to make a set of wings.

One can wash and prep the meat, and someone else can wash and cut up the vegetables and pre-heat the oven. So many small and big jobs in the kitchen, washing the dishes while the other is making supper, just a few small pointers to help you get back to the kitchen. 🙂 I would like for you to leave me a message telling what you think of this recipe and any of my other recipes on my website. Would you like a dessert recipe idea to go with your Stuffed Pork Chop with Mushroom Sauce meal. I’m going to share a link for you to that recipe and a step by step video.

Traditional Newfoundland Boiled Apple Pudding

Traditional Newfoundland Boil d Apple Pudding
Steamed Apple Pudding with apples, cinnamon and so much more.

Serve this delicious pudding with a thick cream and serve it hot it will be so lovely, and having it after this delicious stuffed pork chop meal you will be so full. 🙂 

Pork Chops Stuffed
Perfectly cut pork chop with a full helping of stuffing ( dressing ) with savoury.

Thank you once again for stopping by and I hope I convinced you to make these recipes and check out over 150 more recipe on my website, https://www.bonitaskitchen.com

SO FROM MY KITCHEN TO YOUR’S, have a wonderful day.

Bonita in Bonita’s kitchen

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