- Yield: 3 Dozen
- Prep Time: 10 minutes
- Cook Time: 15 minutes
- Serving: For Family
Traditional Newfoundland Bakeapple Cream Cheese Tarts

Traditional Newfoundland Pastry Tarts

Traditional Newfoundland Blueberry Jam

I will also share with you a link to my new cookbook available on Amazon and you can go though this link for access, or just send me a message I would love to help.

- Bakeapple Jam - As needed
- Bakeapples Fresh or Bottled - As needed
- Cream Cheese - 1 Pack
- Whip Cream - 1 1/2 Cups
- Icing Sugar - 2 Tbsp
- Pastry:
- Flour - 2 Cups
- Unsalted Butter - 1 Cup
- Cold Water - 1/4 Cup
- Sea Salt - 1/2 Tsp
Bakeapple Cream Cheese Tarts
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2 cup white or wheat flour
1/2 cup Cold Butter
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 Cup cold water
1 piece wax paper
Mix flour, butter ( chop in pieces) and salt together in blender or food processor when mixed add water mix until it shapes into a ball then remove from mixer. Put a piece of wax paper on the counter and sprinkle with flour then put your pastry ball on top of it then roll until all even. Take a small round cup or cutter and cut out 8 to 10 round circles then place in a pre greased muffin pan.
Bake for about 15 minutes or golden brown. Let cool then remove from pan and put on a plate. Double the recipe if you like to make more.
Bakeapple Jam
2 1/2 or 3 Cups of Fresh or Canned Bakeapples
1/3 Cup Sugar
1. Turn the stove top heat low to medium, then you will need a small boiler.
2. Place berries in boiler and add sugar.
3. Stir Bakeapples occasionally so they don't burn, also be careful not the brake the Bakeapples.
4. Cook for about 10 to 15 minutes until berries are cooked and tender but still whole.
5. Then pour hot jam into hot sterilized mason jars, clean around rims before sealing them.
6. Let your jam stay at room temperature over night or 8 hours until all jars have popped. If all jars is sealed you can store in a cool storage room, if not store in fridge until eaten.
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 10-15 minutes
Servings 3 small jars of jam
Whip Cream:
1 Box Whip Cream any size
2 Tbsp Powdered sugar
1 Pk. Cream Cheese
Method for whip cream and cream cheese:
In a large bowl keep in the fridge until ready to make whipping cream, add cold whipping cream and icing sugar whip until it is light and fluffy. In another bowl whip the cream cheese up until soft, then mix whip cream in with it until all combined.
Last step add whip cream and cream cheese mixture in each pastry tart, then top with Bakeapple jam.
Then whip cream on the jam and a piece of pastry for look, repeat this step until all pastry tarts are full.

These bit size tarts are so delicious you can’t only have one that’s why this recipe is for three dozen Bakeapple cream cheese tarts.

Bakeapples is a berry that looks like a raspberry but got a gold colour and they are two very different in taste. Plus a Bakeapple is picked on the bog lands and marshes of Newfoundland and Labrador. I always know I’m on the Bakeapple ground because I will see these beautiful flowers called the picture plant.

Traditional Newfoundland Bakeapple Jam

This is one way to know you are on Bakeapple grounds by seeing the picture plant across the bog lands, they are so Beautiful and a strong and healthy flower. I know you may of heard me say on other blogs that picking any berries from this great land of ours is a honour. Please alway take the time to go pick these delicious berries you won’t be disappointed. Also keep in mind that each type of berry got a different time when they are ready to pick.
Bakeapple Berry are ready to pick in late July or early August.
Blueberries are ready to pick in late August into September.
Raspberries are ready to pick in August
Partridgeberries are ready to pick in late September and early October.
Cranberries are ready to pick in late September and early October.
Blackberries are ready to pick in September
Gooseberries are ready to pick in late September early October.
And all of these berries are in the wood lands of Newfoundland and Labrador, and so many more not listed, just waiting for you to pick and enjoy them. Traditional Newfoundland Bakeapple Picking and Preserving
Thank you for taking the time to read and view my website and watch my videos I appreciate all your support and it’s because of people like you that makes me want to continue making our Traditional Newfoundland recipes for all to enjoy.
So from my kitchen to yours