Bake apple Crumble
Delicious homemade bake apple crumble made with freshly picked bake apples and a lovely oatmeal crumble.

Bake apple crumble made with freshly preserved bake apples that I picked from last year, they are as good if not better then when I picked them. Sometimes when you pick bake apples before they are ripped you can continue ripping them in the bottles. I will share with you the link to how to preserve bake apples. Traditional Newfoundland Bakeapple Picking and Preserving

Bakeapple Picking and Preserving
Freshly picked Bakeapples bottled to preserve the berry.

If you ever picked bake apples you will know they are found on marshy land and bog, good way to know you are on bog lands you will see a Newfoundland picture plant and these bog lands are around Newfoundland and Labrador.

Newfoundland Picture Plant found in the blog lands.

I love picking any type of berry and there is a lot to pick in Newfoundland and Labrador, we are pretty lucky that way for sure. I will share a recipe link for bake apple jam for you to make. 

Traditional Newfoundland Bakeapple Jam

Bakeapple Jam
Homemade Traditional Newfoundland Bakeapple jam

I’m going to share another link for bake apple tarts you will love, these are made with homemade jam and pastry. Traditional Newfoundland Bakeapple Cream Cheese Tarts

Bakeapple Cream Cheese Tarts with fresh Bakeapple Jam.

Now back to the Bakeapple Crumbles the recipe on this link, is quick and easy to make and ever so delicious. Serve with old fashion cream or Ice cream anyway you wish to eat this dessert you will love it.

bake apple crumbles
Homemade bake apple crumbles with fresh bake apple jam on the side.
Bake apple Crumbles
Crumbles made from oatmeal, flour, butter, and allspice and bake apples cooked and deseeded to make a creamy filling.

So many delicious crumble recipe out there but this one I’m sharing with you is a old recipe made by many of our elders for decades and enjoyed by many people. Simple ingredients and berries that was  picked on the bog lands and they were plentiful. Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog and looking at my video, from my kitchen to your have a wonderful day. 🙂 

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Thank You and Enjoy Bonita 🙂

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