blueberries & Cream Trifle
Traditional Newfoundland Blueberries and Cream Trifle, this delicious dessert is made with layers of blueberries and cream cheese, whipped cream.

This trifle is one of my favourite summer time desserts to make, having lots of access to freshly picked blueberries in the summer I take full advantage of that. This dessert is my sister in laws recipe she would make this one everytime she got an invite to a family gathering there was never any leftovers she was lucky to get her bowl back. ? This recipe was one that was passed down in her family over the years, any recipe with blueberries in it is a Newfoundland recipe.

Cinnamon Sticky Rolls
Freshly picked blueberries

Look at these delicious big blueberries that I picked last summer, I love picking blueberries it’s so relaxing walking through the berry grounds and smelling the freshest of the outdoors. I try not to eat my blueberries until I get home because I’m to busy picking them and trying to get my bucket full. ?

My husband loves to eat and pick his blueberries, he keeps saying “are you finished picking blueberries yet I can’t find anything,” then the same time his mouth is a bright blue. Hahahaha! They are so good for you and I don’t mind if we stay in there all day picking blueberries and then after set and have a lunch setting on a rock’ with a hot cup of tea and a molasses sandwich.

Getting back to the delicious blueberry trifle you can make it with frozen berries but alway remember to thaw your berries first before cooking with them and using them in the trifle, there is a lot of liquid in frozen berries and you don’t need that in your trifle. You can then top the trifle with your frozen berries or buy some store bought blueberries if it’s not in season, this is why I love making this blueberry trifle in the summer you have so many freshly picked blueberries and they taste so good.

Thank you for visiting my website and taking the time to read my blog, please leave me a message or a recipe suggestion I will love to hear from you. So from my kitchen to yours have a wonderful day.

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