Blueberry Ice Cream
Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream with Graham Crackers, topped with more delicious freshly picked blueberries with a side of graham crackers and whip cream.

I don’t know where to start with this delicious recipe, for homemade blueberry ice cream. I can remember when I was a young girl my mom would make homemade ice cream for us on Sunday’s for our dessert after we ate our Cold Plates supper. For those of you that is wondering what Cold Plate suppers is this is a meal made up of several cold salads with left over cold meat or chicken from our  Jiggs Dinner. I will attach a link for you to access this recipe, back to Blueberry Ice Cream recipe. You can make this recipe anytime of the year because frozen blueberries works well with this recipe just let them thaw first before you make the blueberry sauce.

Freshly picked Blueberries in late August then i froze them to make delicious recipes all year round.
Homemade Blueberry Ice Cream
Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream with Graham Crackers

Homemade Blueberry Ice Cream

Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream with Graham Crackers and served in a wafer bowl then topped with whip cream and more fresh blueberries.

I talked about in the video that you can make any flavour of ice cream just by using this recipe for your base. You can have any type of nuts instead of Graham crackers or maybe chocolate chips. Remember you are making it for yourself or family and I can’t see if you substitute any of my ingredients in your recipe. 

I would like to thank you once again for taking to time to read my blog and visit Bonita’s kitchen. I have many recipes on this website you can try or share with your family and friends, so from my kitchen to yours have a wonderful day, please leave me a message or a suggestion of a recipe your mom or dad made when you were young. I will add it to our line up of videos and this way you will have full access to this recipe, thank you.

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From my kitchen to your’s 🙂 Enjoy Bonita

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