- Yield: 1
- Prep Time: 30 minutes
- Cook Time: 2h 00 min
- Serving: For Family
Traditional Newfoundland Boiled Apple Pudding

This boiled/ steamed Apple pudding got a delicious crust texture and the filling is so good you can eat it alone. If you don't believe me just try it and let me know.
Making the prefect crust by letting the potatoes cool down before adding the other ingredients and making that pastry nice and firm. Let it set and rest a bit before rolling it you can put in the fridge to set or cool down more before rolling it out.
This will give you time to make the filling and try not to eat it.

I have more delicious pudding recipes you may like to make, Traditional Newfoundland Blueberry Duff and Caramel Sauce

Traditional Newfoundland Blueberry Bread Pudding

Plus I would like to let you know I just released my first Bonita's kitchen Cookbook available for purchase on Amazon https://www.bonitaskitchen.com/cookbook through this link or just send me a message.

Please continue on to the recipe for this delicious Traditional Newfoundland Boiled Apple Pudding. Enjoy
- Apples - 4 Medium
- Potatoes - 4 Medium
- Butter - 1/4 Cup
- Flour - 1 1/2 Cups
- Brown Sugar - 1/4 Cup
- Cold Water - 1 Tbsp
- Cinnamon - 1 Tbsp
- Ground Nutmeg - 1 Tbsp
- Sea Salt - 1/2 Tsp
1- Peel and cut potatoes in cubes and put them in medium saucepan and boil until soft.
2- Peel and cut apples of choice in small cubes and place in bowl and top with brown sugar,cinnamon and nutmeg mix together and set aside until ready to use.
3- After potatoes are boiled strain all hot water of and run under cold water until at room temperature or let it come room temperature.
4- When potatoes are at room temperature, mash, add butter, 1 tbsp cold water, 1/2 cup flour mix together with scoop.
5- Then add another 1/2 cup flour continue mixing it together with scoop then after work it together with your hand until it's like a dough pastry, if not add another 1/4 cup of flour and continue folding it into your mixture.
6- After place dough on counter top dust with flour and start Rolling the pastry out until it's about one inch thick.
7- You will need a pudding pot or a cotton bag with tie, with a large tin can. I showed you on the video a large crushed tomato can you can use to put the pudding bag in, if you have a pudding pot oil the inside and place the pastry inside, then scoop in your Apple mixture and foiled over pastry to close in the apples.
8- Do the same for your cotton bag, first run hot water over your cotton bag then place cotton bag inside the large tin. Place pastry inside and top with the apples and close over the top with pastry.
9- In a large boiler with hot water boiling on medium heat, place your tin inside the boiler only one quarter ways up the tin, let boil for two hours checking the boiler for water, never let boiler go dry.
10- When cooked remove from boiler be very careful, place on a cooling board and remove top or string. Slowly remove pudding from tin or bag, by flipping it over on a plate, slowly removing the pudding from pot, serve with carnation thick cream or whipping cream.
When making these old fashion puddings you need to be very patient with the pastry, you are working with potatoes as your base. Making the pastry firm so you can roll it out on your board keeping lots of flour on your board and adding more in the pastry before rolling if needed. Depending on the potatoes you are using and how moist it was before you started mashing." Practice makes perfect "

I have made many steamed, boiled puddings but this one by far is one of my favourites.

When you think desserts you are not thinking puddings, but it can’t get any better then this one with apples, cinnamon and brown sugar filling……Mmmmmmm so good.
I can see making this one on a day off work maybe on a Sunday when you got a little more time, letting it slow cook in a boiler of hot water. This recipe got simple ingredients and super easy to make, you will be a rock star in your family.

This prefect dessert served with canned thick cream or ice cream, and a nice cup of hot tea.
Diffently a nice way to end a delicious meal with this dessert, serve it hot or room temperature it don’t matter you will love it.
I’m so glad to bring you this recipe for boiled Apple pudding its full of flavour and can be made the day before and warmed over the next day to use with your meal or as a beautiful dessert. You can make personal size dishes just use smaller containers and then follow the recipe posted above. You can also have a caramel sause for a topping if you like that recipe posted above with the blueberry duff link.

I would like to thank you for visiting my website and reading my blog, please take the time to leave me a message and if you are looking for a recipe I can help you with, from my kitchen to yours thank you.

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Mmmmmmmm, sounds delish, Bonita! Thanks for the recipe. Will give it a try.
Hi Dee: Thank you so much for your message, I must say this one is so delicious I can smell it now all the spices.
Have a Merry Christmas! Bonita
Being almost 70, I do not wish to buy a tin. I wonder if I could use a springform pan. Cover the outside of the base with foil, like I would for a cheesecake. Then put it in a water bath in the oven. I figure 350 F for two hours. Checking after 1 1/2 hours. What do you think? I will let you know when I have tried this recipe. Really, potato pastry, gotta try it.
Hi Mary: Thank you for your message and for visiting my channel, I hear you and totally understand. Its best to use a pudding pan or pudding bag, or whatever is easier for you. I’m thinking a springform pan will work but you will need a big boiler. Cook on medium heat half way on your dial, and only have a small about of water in your boiler and put the lid on. Follow the cooking instructions on the video and enjoy.
Hi Bonita, when I was in Newfoundland my aunt cooked roast beef in the oven that she “baked” some kind of crusty bread-like topping which covered the entire roast while it cooked. This I know not the name of but it was always crusty golden brown on the top side while the underside soaked up the flavorful roast juices. Recipe?
Hi Annette: Thank you for your message and for visiting our website, I have a recipe here for ROAST AND DUFF and it sounds like the recipe you are talking about. https://youtu.be/_axRZ-3O58M this is the link to that video. Please let me know what you think.
Enjoy Bonita