Traditional Newfoundland Boiled Raisin Cake
Traditional Newfoundland Boiled Raisin Cake, made with cinnamon, cloves, and boiled raisins, delicious.

Years ago our elders would make these types of cakes all the time, over a wood burning stove.

I can even remember my mom and dad stoking the wood stove with the poker and making sure it was full of wood to bake the bread and then after a cake or pudding. You would smell that half ways down the road if the windows was opened, because there was no controlling the heat that came out of the wood stove.

Traditional Newfoundland Boiled Raisin Cake

This cake can be served on its own or with icing and most of the time it was served with a small amount of butter, can you taste it. It looks like its baked in molasses but this is because the raisins are boiled with butter, sugar, cinnamon and cloves to bring the flavours and then slow baked to make this cake amazing. This is not a sweet cake it will be nice with thick cream and fruit, plus a nice cup of tea to wash it down.

Traditional Newfoundland Boiled Raisin Cake
Traditional Newfoundland Boiled Raisin Cake

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my blog and watching our short video for Traditional Newfoundland Boiled Raisin Cake, simple recipe but ever so tasty. If you don’t believe me make one yourself and then take a few minutes to leave me a message, all of this information will help us continue bringing you more delicious recipe ideas. Please check out some more recipes posted to our website of traditional and Non-traditioanl Newfoundland recipes and some viewers request. 


Slow cooked pasta sauce
Thank you for visiting our website, from our kitchen to yours have a wonderful day. 🙂 Bonita and RMHussey Productions

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