Traditional Newfoundland Boiled Raisin Cake

Hi welcome to our website!
I hope you are looking for a delicious homemade boiled raisin cake, if so you are in the right place. Seat back with a cup of tea and enjoy our short step by step video on how to make your own cake, or bake a long with me and make your homemade boiled raisin cake.

Boil a full box or more of any type of raisins and boiled them on a low simmer for 10 to 15 minutes then remove and follow the recipe posted below. If you haven't made a homemade boiled raisin cake before don't worry I have you covered.

Making this delicious boiled raisin cake is so easy and it would make a lovely birthday cake, or special occasion cake. Take a few minutes to look at my 20 minute step by step video and you will be so pleased in the outcome of your cake.

Following these steps you will be closer to a delicious homemade boiled raisin cake.
I will share with you a link to my cookbook before you continue on to the recipe for Boiled Raisin Cake. https://www.bonitaskitchen.com/cookbook

- Raisins - 1 box 250g
- Sugar - 1 1/2 cups
- Butter or margarine - 1 cup
- Cinnamon - 1 tsp
- Ground cloves - 1 tsp
- Cold water - 3 cups
- Baking soda - 1 tsp
- Flour - 4 cups or less
- salt - 1 tsp o less
- Baking powder - 1 tsp
- In a saucepan add top 5 ingredients and bring to a boil for 10-15 minute on LOW simmer heat, then remove from heat.
- Then add baking soda to cold water and add to mixture to cool.
- Sift in flour, salt and baking powder to mixture.
- Pour batter into a pre greased cake pan or bunt.
- Pre-heat oven to 300º.
- When oven is ready bake for 1 1/2 hours OR LESS DEPENDING ON YOUR OVEN, until baked.
- Serve with any topping or sauce and a dusting of cinnamon, cloves and brown sugar.

Years ago our elders would make these types of cakes all the time, over a wood burning stove.
I can even remember my mom and dad stoking the wood stove with the poker and making sure it was full of wood to bake the bread and then after a cake or pudding. You would smell that half ways down the road if the windows was opened, because there was no controlling the heat that came out of the wood stove.

This cake can be served on its own or with icing and most of the time it was served with a small amount of butter, can you taste it. It looks like its baked in molasses but this is because the raisins are boiled with butter, sugar, cinnamon and cloves to bring the flavours and then slow baked to make this cake amazing. This is not a sweet cake it will be nice with thick cream and fruit, plus a nice cup of tea to wash it down.

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my blog and watching our short video for Traditional Newfoundland Boiled Raisin Cake, simple recipe but ever so tasty. If you don’t believe me make one yourself and then take a few minutes to leave me a message, all of this information will help us continue bringing you more delicious recipe ideas. Please check out some more recipes posted to our website of traditional and Non-traditioanl Newfoundland recipes and some viewers request.

Bonita I just finishing making this cake. It came out cracked some on the sides and more on the top. What do you think causes this. It happens with all my cakes I make..can’t wait to try it….
Hi Brenda: Thank you so much for your message and for making our boiled raisin cake, there is a few reasons why your cake will crack during baking time. IF YOUR CAKE IS ON THE WRONG RACK, IT SHOULD BE AT THE MIDDLE RACK IN THE CENTRE, IF YOUR OVEN IN TO HOT OR NOT EVEN HEAT. Some confectionery ovens need to be sat on the proper temperature when you pre-heat, start with the button BAKE, then the start button got to be touched twice once for single rack and again for multiple racks, then the multiple heat will reach all around your pan and it will bake the same time and not crack. The third reason the temperture time baking 350º for your oven may be to high, you can lower it to 325º and leave the cake in for longer, fourth reason it could be the baking pan you are using. I know this is a lot of reasons why this can happen but you may know what one it is based on those reasons. I hope this helps and enjoy your delicious boiled raisin cake.
Thanks Bonita for the reply. I will definitely try some the suggestions next time… I used a tube pan, maybe next time I will try a bundt pan and see what happens. Merry Christmas to you and Raymond.
You are very welcome and its nice to try to find out why this is happening to your cakes, this way you will get it fixed for next time. Merry Christmas to you and yours, message any time.
Absolutely delightful old fashioned cake. Its hard to find simply spiced dried fruit cakes. My son and I enjoyed this so much. Thank you for sharing this.
Hi Jean, Thank you for your lovely message and for stopping by…we love spiced and dried fruit cakes. If surely reminds me of my childhood and those tasty spiced cakes. Enjoy to the fullest and thank you.
Hi Bonita,
I make a boiled raisin cake that I have lost recipe…It called for Brown sugar and white sugar,it was dark and looking at your pics…yours is lighter.Also mine said to add butter after the boiling was finished.
Going to try your recipe now that I know how much of each ingriedent to use
HI Mary, Thank you for your message and for visiting our website, I have a date nut loaf here that you may like as well. The link is here on my website but this is the recipe.You can use raisins and no nuts if you wish, enjoy Bonita
1 pkg. Dates or 1 cup loose dates
1 cups brown sugar
1/2 cup butter or margarine
1 tsp cloves or allspice
1 cup hot water
1/4 cups cold water to cool dates
1 tsp baking soda
2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup crusted nuts ( assortment or nuts of choice )
Method :
1 Add 1 cup hot water to saucepan, bring saucepan to a boil, add top 4 ingredients and remove from heat, let seat for 10-15 minute.
2 Then in a glass add baking soda to 1/4 cold water and add to mixture to cool.
3 Pour mixture in large bowl then, sift in flour, salt and baking powder to mixture, fold together mixed nuts until all combined.
4 Pour batter into a pre greased loaf pans or bunt pan.
5 Pre-heat oven to 400º.
6 When oven is ready bake for 45 minutes or less, depending on your oven until baked. ( poke a knife in loaf to check )
7 Icing or serve with butter, hot or cold.
Hi !!!!
We make this cake and it didn’t turn out as moist as we thought it would, ( we did follow the recipe correctly and temp and time ). Any suggestions on storage that may help moistin this cake ???
Great site BTW….. Thanks !!!!!
Hi Peggy: Thank you for your message and for making our boiled raisin cake, so sorry to here it didn’t turn out moist. I’m not sure why but sometimes these things do happen and the next time it be’s amazing. Bonita
Can you add other fruit to this recipe. Either candied cherries and pineapple
Hi Ramona; Thank you for your message and for stopping by, yes for sure you can add more fruit, nuts or dried dates. You make it your own, but don’t over load it with to much fruit just the right amount. Enjoy