Traditional Newfoundland Dark Rum Fruit Cake
 Dark Rum Fruitcake this delicious cake is packed full of fruit and very moist. This was a Christmas Tradition by most Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.

This dark rum fruitcake is full of rich texture, nice and moist packed full of dried fruit. Delicious!

I can’t say enough good things about my dark rum fruitcake, when making this cake you can add as more dried fruit, raisins, dates or plums as you like.

Traditional Newfoundland Dark Fruit Cake
Dark Rum Fruitcake full of spicy flavours and silky molasses with dried fruits and dark rum.

I can remember my mom making this recipe just before Christmas time and the house just smelling heavenly, there is nothing like it.

Check out another Christmas cake recipe we enjoyed to make.

Traditional Newfoundland Apricot Cake

Apricot Cake
A piece of Apricot Cake topped with whipped cream and powdered icing sugar, the plate got a cinnamon star and a side of cherries and dried apricots.

There are so many delicious fruit cake recipes out there to make, whats so lovely about our recipes you can view our step by step video tutorial to make our fruitcake. Thank you so much for stopping by and visiting our website and reading my blog, its because of you we continue to post more and more videos and recipes for you to enjoy. Please leave us a message before you go telling us what you think about this recipe or anyone of my recipes on this page.

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Thank You and Enjoy Bonita 🙂

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