Fish cakes

When making these delicious fish cakes you can fry them with fat pork fat, or olive oil and butter or even use margarine.

Fish Cakes - Traditional Newfoundland
How to make a tasty batch of Fish Cakes – Traditional Newfoundland style.

Years ago most people never had full access to butter and olive oil. In our days we have more access to smarter choices if you need to use it.

I believe you can still have delicious Traditional Newfoundland recipes, but make it your own by using ingredients that suits your diet.

Fish Cakes - Traditional Newfoundland
Take a scoop of fish mixture and make a cake, roll in the flour mixture.

So many Newfoundland recipes are the same, but they are made a little different, that’s why I love sharing these dishes with you.

Fish Cakes - Traditional Newfoundland
Fry the fish cake in fat pork or butter and oil. Until golden brown.

I have included savoury in these fish cakes because that’s the way I always made them and the flavour is so amazing.

Fried Fat pork, also called Scrunchions.

Some people likes to make fried fat pork, also called scrunchions with fried onions to go over your fish cakes. They will taste delicious anyway you make these fried fish cakes you will love them.

Thank you so much for stopping by, enjoy. 🙂 Bonita, RMHussey Productions and Team.

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