pan fried cod
Two pieces of pan fried cod fillets.

Next I boiled a couple of carrots and one turnip together until cooked then drained the water off and mashed it together with one tbsp of butter, I love serving vegetables with every meal. Keep your vegetable broth for another meal or a boiler of soup.

This meal years ago was made every second day in most Newfoundland homes because cod was plentiful but this day in age cod is not so plentiful, it’s more seasonal. So when I can I try to stock up on the cod fillets and freeze for special occasions. Cod is one of my favourite fish to eat, I have so many recipes available with cod in them.

Traditional Newfoundland Cod au Gratin,  Traditional Newfoundland Stuffed Cod,  Tomato Based Seafood Chowder, Traditional Newfoundland Pan Fried Cod Tongues, Traditional Newfoundland Cod Casserole, Traditional Newfoundland Seafood Chowder, Traditional Newfoundland Fish Cake, Traditional Newfoundland Fish and Brewis, 


Traditional Newfoundland Seafood Chowder
A delicious bowl of Seafood Chowder
Traditional Newfoundland Pan Fried Cod Tongues
Pan Fried Cod Tongues fried in butter and olive oil with salt and pepper until golden brown.
Traditional Newfoundland Stuffed Codfish
Codfish stuffed with savoury dressing and wrapped in smoked bacon.
Fish and Brewis
Fish & Brewis

These are a few reasons why you should have lots of cod available in your fridge or freezer because we have so many delicious dishes you can make with cod in them.

This recipe for Pan Fried Cod is featured in our cookbook available at this link

Bonita's kitchen Cookbook
My new cookbook now available.

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