Rhubarb and Strawberry Cobbler
Traditional Newfoundland Rhubarb and Strawberry Cobbler, made with freshly picked rhubarb and strawberries with a dash of lemon juice and zest.

Rhubarb is one of my favourite wild fruit, I love to eat it straight from the garden with a bowl of sugar to dip the rhubarb in. This rhubarb i’m using on this recipe was planted by my Dad many years ago and it just spread throughout their garden. I have taken a few roots to plant in my garden but it’s not big enough yet to pick, maybe next year. 🙂

Fresh Rhubarb in my mom’s garden, but they are to small to pick yet.
Fresh rhubarb in my garden from slips of my dad’s rhubarb he planted many years ago.

I can go on talking about how delicious rhubarb is but I know if you had them before you will agree. I just finished  bottling ten bottles of rhubarb relish, eight bottles of rhubarb and strawberry jam, then made some rhubarb and Strawberry cobbler from the rhubarb I picked at my mom’s garden.

Rhubarb, Strawberries and all the ingredients needed for this delicious dessert, 
Freshly picked rhubarb and strawberries 🙂 cut in small pieces.
The Batter for this delicious Rhubarb and Strawberry Cobbler, to be put over the top and baked until golden brown. 

This is a delicious rhubarb and strawberry cobbler dessert then top it with your favourite thick cream, or ice cream. In June and July the Rhubarb is ready to be picked and its best to use every stick of it to make something the whole family will enjoy. Rhubarb is also lovely after its frozen for a long time if you can’t use up all of your fresh rhubarb. 

I’m going to share with you another rhubarb recipe for you to try from my recipe list. 

Traditional Newfoundland Rhubarb and Strawberry Jam

Rhubarb and Strawberry Jam
Rhubarb and Strawberry jam, with a hint of lemon and zest to enhance the favour. 

Thank you so much for visiting my website and please leave me a message or a recipe you would like to see, maybe I already got that one waiting for you to enjoy. 

Welcome to Bonita's kitchen
Thank You and Enjoy Bonita 🙂

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