Sausage Gravy Poutine
Sausage Gravy Poutine Newfoundland Style, made with atlantic sausage, dressing with savoury, homemade fry’s from local potatoes and homemade gravy.

Poutine is one of my favourite comfort foods, I’m thinking this picture speaks for its self. This could be your Friday or weekend meal, quick and easy and ever so tasty. Plus if you can’t get all beef atlantic sausage you can use your favourite sausage or homemade moose or caribou sausage. What I love about making meals like this at home, you can control the amount of oil, salt and seasonings you put into this meal.

Sausage Gravy Poutine
Sausage gravy simmering in a cast iron pan.
Sausage Gravy Poutine
Homemade fry’s and dressing made with Newfoundland savoury.

If this don’t make you want to go make your own sausage gravy poutine, I don’t know what else to do. Before you start making this recipe watch the video and it also give you detail information and how to make your own from scratch. I’m not promoting eating or living unhealthy but anything in moderation is good for anyone and you can also bake the fry’s and control the about of sodium and oil that goes into your ingredients. Before you say I’m not going to make this meal please look at the video and enjoy it from the beginning to end.

Sausage Gravy Poutine
Local freshly grown white potatoes.
Sausage Gravy Poutine
Locally made all beef atlantic sausages.

Thank you so much for visiting my website and taking the time to read my blogs and watch my video, of Sausage Gravy Poutine Newfoundland Style. I hope this was helpful for you and please take a minute and leave me a message telling me how you enjoyed the recipe or any suggestions on a recipe you enjoy making. ” So from my kitchen to your kitchen have a wonderful day.”

Welcome to Bonita's kitchen
Thank You and Enjoy Bonita 🙂

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