Turkey Noodle Soup
How to make a delicious boiler of Turkey Noodle Soup with a few simple ingredients.

If you are still not sure if this soup is for you.

Check out more of the info and watch our video tutorial, this soup is so tasty.

Turkey Noodle Soup
I love listening ton the boiler cooking. This is the soup cooking away.

After the turkey and veggies are cooked, toss in the celery for about five minutes to flavour the pot and cook tender.

Turkey Noodle Soup
Turkey Noodle Soup is ready to serve.

To good to eat!!

Turkey Noodle Soup
Serve your soup with some crackers and a tasty sandwich of choice.

Thank you so much for stopping by and please leave us a message before you go letting us know what you think of our recipe.

On behalf of myself, RMHussey Productions and Team….

From our Kitchen to Yours!!!

Have a wonderful day!!

Turkey Noodle Soup
Thank you for stopping by!! Enjoy Bonita

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