Homemade Turkey Pie
Turkey pie with homemade crust, freshly cut vegetable’s and homemade turkey sauce.

Looking at this delicious homemade turkey pie it’s making me hungry while I’m writing this blog, I’m not going to try to sell you on this one it speaks for it’s self. Making anything from scratch is so rewarding, this is another quick and easy recipe using leftover turkey.

Bean Soup with Ham
Freshly chopped Vegetables.

I’m using freshly chopped vegetables for this recipe and all you need to do is a quick cooking of them to tenderize the vegetable’s. You can also use leftover vegetable’s from your boiled jiggs dinner or Sunday dinner.

Another way would be to use frozen mixed vegetables.

Turkey pie
Stuffed turkey

We all have a lot of turkey leftover, so if you are like most people that haven’t got time to be preparing meals in advance, will this recipe for homemade turkey pie is for you.

I believe in eating at home this way you know what you are eating and the amount of salt and fat gone into your meal. Sit back and watch our short video tutorial on how to make a Turkey Pie.

 Make has many as you like and freeze them.

You can even freeze them before you bake them, just follow the recipe and after you have completed the last step before baking it just wrap them in Sarah wrap and put in a freezer bag, label and date them.

When you are ready to bake them just take them out the night before put in your fridge to thaw and after work just pop in a 350°f oven and bake one or two for 45 to 50 minutes or until golden brown. Enjoy

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