- Yield: 4 one cup jars
- Prep Time: 15 minutes
- Cook Time: 20 minutes or more minutes
- Serving: For Family
Wild Plum Jelly

Hi and welcome to our website!
If you are looking for a delicious recipe for PLUMS I can help you!
We have a recipe and video for you to enjoy and view, but I'm going to share with you a few pictures and a little insite on how to make and store WILD PLUM JELLY.

First you need wild plums and I'm sure if you only can get store bought plums they would work too.
These plums I have here today was pickled in October month and in a little community called POOLS COVE Newfoundland, what delicious and juicy little plums and the community was so quant and scenic. Now a lot of work to making any types of jelly but you do have to babysit the boiler so it don't boil over.

Following the proper steps to making wild plum jelly is important, like any jelly they need sugar and believe it or not sugar is the second main ingredient in making jellies or jams. You can substitute white sugar with sugar of your choice, follow the sugar chart posted below.

After you strained the cooked plums through your strainer with cheese cloth, measure the juice and to ever cup of juice you will use one cup of sugar. I've also used one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice to had a citrus blend to the plum juice.

Please continue onto our recipe for more details on how to make our WILD PLUM JELLY and please leave us a message on how your jelly turned out and how you enjoyed it. I will leave you my link to our cookbook if you wish to check it out. https://www.bonitaskitchen.com/cookbook

- Wild Plums - 4 cups
- Sugar - Amount depends on juice count, one cup sugar to one cup of juice.
- Lemon Juice - 1 tsp
- Water - Enough to cover plums
Sterilizing and Canning Procedures
1. Start by getting a large boiler and filling in about quarter full of water.
2. Then starting the water to a boil and placing your Mason jars inside then cover.
3. After let the pot boil for about 15-20 then remove your bottles and place them on paper towels or a cloth.
Canning Procedures:
1. After your food items are cooked and ready to bottle, scoop hot liquid and put inside your Mason jars.
2. Continue doing this until all bottles are complete and leaving 1/2 inch on top.
3. Clean around the top of your bottles removing any food of rims.
4. Then place caps and lids on your jars and tighten.
5. Then place your jars back in hot water bath and start the boil for another 5 to 10 minutes with the cover on boiler.
6. Leave at room temperature then check your lids, 3 ways.
1. Remove screw cap and lightly run your finger upwards on the lid if it don't remove its sealed, put the screw cap back on tight and date/label each bottle. Then store in cool panty or room.
2. If the lid is not popped up when you touch the middle it means its sealed.
3. If you heard all your jars pop by counting the pops it is seal.

Making your own jelly and jams is so amazing and received will if you give as gifts to friends and family members, but most of all for yourself to enjoy everyday on breads and buns. We have many jelly and jam recipes here on our website and our youtube channel.
The benefits in having fresh fruit and berries to make homemade jams, jellies and baked goods is amazing. Having them fresh or cooked you can add less or more ingredients with them to create some amazing meals. I hope you enjoyed our recipe and video here today and please take a few minutes to send us a message, maybe a question regarding our recipes or a recipe you can’t find and would like some help finding. We make Traditional and Non Traditional Newfoundland and Labrador recipes but we do have viewers requests and some of my own recipes available for you to enjoy.
So thank you for stopping by today and from our kitchen to yours, have a wonderful day!

Looks like a great guide to making wild plum jelly in Colorado!!!
That is wonderful Larry, enjoy to the fullest and thank you for stopping by…..Bonita
Wondering if you have a recipe for wild plum jam. I have the jelly recipe but would like to try a plum jam. Thanks.
No only the jelly, but if you are going to make the jam just remove the stone in advance and cook the jam the some as the jelly leaving the wild plums in the boiler. You can also add certo or pectin if you are not sure it will set, but use less sugar because the additive is sweet. Enjoy Bonita
Hi Bonita
I made this yesterday and followed the steps exactly as you said but this morning when I checked, my jelly didn’t set. I’m so disappointed but it’s the first time I made it and it’s a simple recipe. What went wrong I wonder?
Thank You
Hi Elizabeth. Thank you for your message and for stopping by, I’m so glad you made our wild plum jelly recipe. Sometimes when you are making anything for the first time its hard to know when its a good time to stop boiling and bottle.
? Did you let all the foam and bubbles settle before bottling.It would be clear or foamy bubble around the sides, that means there is still water in the liquid and the juice won’t set.
? Did you do the cold spoon check by putting a plate in the fridge and taking the HOT liquid and putting a line of the juice on it. If it stopped running it would set.
Sometimes you have to boil it a little longer but not to long to go to rubber.
What you can do is remove all the juice from the bottles and put back in the boiler and start to boil again checking those steps. Then rewash and sterilize your bottles and have them hot before bottling the liquid. Maybe another boiling would remove more water.
All the best and you can do this.